February 5, 2014 | In: Games by rEdrUm

Street Fighter !


The Commodore 64 is deemed to be the best selling computer of all time. The success of this computer has boomed. A great reason to see a famous arcade game from Capcom: Street Fighter ported to the 8bit Commodore micro computer !

This 1988 port was created by Tiertex, a studio in the outskirts of Manchester, for the PAL version (Pacific Dataworks International for the NTSC version), and was ranked alongside other popular fighting titles already on micro at that time: Yie Ar Kung-Fu or The Way of the Exploding Fist. Well, let’s just say… It didn’t really work … Let me explain.

Firstly, it’s important to remember that the C64 hardware was not of the same caliber of the PCB in arcade gaming, which made ​​it even more difficult to convert. It was also the case for many other arcade games ported at that time.

Be warned, this is one heck of a spoiler-alert. And I’m not going to beat about the bush.

You want enemies? You won’t be disappointed.

Ryu is on the job. The now famous fighter wearing a white kimono has to confront a whole range of enemies in this round the world trip!

Street Fighter C64 Enemies

Some enemies have special moves; the only one I think really stands out from the rest at this level is Geki. The guy has the ability to teleport and throw … shuriken. Sagat, on the other hand, seems to be able to throw his famous fireball. However, the others did not reveal any hidden talents in combat during the numerous combats I did for this test. But most disappointing of all is that the total lack of special moves for Ryu, even though they are in the arcade version. The famous Hadoken and uppercut have disappeared.

You want to travel? Jump on board!

In Street Fighter, you get around. Ryu takes a plane just to go beat up a guy he doesn’t even know! I know this is part of a tournament (I think), and I hope at least it will benefit tourism a bit! From a dojo in Japan, to the disreputable streets of England, to the American railway system via the Taj Mahal and the Great Wall of China – your eyes are in for a treat to the point where you can almost get carried away! So Ryu the local tough guy visits 5 countries to demonstrate his talents.
Between each country you will also be entitled to a bonus stage where you have to show your ability to break the wood. Literally. I let you enjoy the scenery.

Plenty of manoeuvrability – or not!

street-fighter-c64-congratsWhen it comes to addressing the subject of maneuverability in this game, tread carefully. Don’t forget that the microphones at the time had a lever for a joystick with a single button. You can probably imagine how hard it is to make all the possible shots in the arcade version of the game that has 6 buttons, 3 punches and 3 kicks. It is a combination of the single and multi-directional button would eventually will trigger the various fighting techniques of Ryu. It is not the intensity of the blow that’s important here. Everything is delivered with the same force. The contact areas on the other hand, are rather vague. Sometimes you touch the enemy by hitting 1m into the empty space front of him, sometimes you miss. As we are not quite sure what we’re doing, the developer had the presence of mind to show a kind of black spot when we strike a blow and we hit.

You want sound? “Hear” you go!

There are no sound effects. As soon as the music is on, this is the only sound you will hear during the game. And that’s OK because it is really rather good, quite a success, I’d say. The lively rhythm will drive you to defend yourself and to tackle head on each arena! See extract below.

      1. street-fighter-c64


The NTSC version was a big surprise!

When writing this article I naturally had to widen my video game culture by doing further research on this subject. Having got bored of waiting for the original cassette tape that I have to load and also for the sake of ease, I quickly turned to the emulated version of the game. Then during the course of a ROM, surprise! I launched the U.S. version and right from the title screen, what a difference. A total difference in the game! Even the music is different. Then memories came flooding back that back then, sometimes each continent has its own version, and this is the case because as I mentioned in the introduction, the NTSC version was developed by Pacific Dataworks International. And I must say they really worked better. But as pictures always speak for themselves, I put together a quick comparison video just below.



It’s like this at Commodore

For added perspective, you can see in the instructions that I attached to this article that the joystick connection varies depending on the version you have … Minor flaws of the C64. On the NTSC version you plug the joystick in port 1 #1 and #2 in port 2, which seems logical. But the PAL version is the other way around …

How do the others do it?

Here’s a brief overview of “equivalent” 8-bit versions of CPC, Spectrum and also the original Arcade. Just to really bore the socks off you.

All in all…


Despite all this, oddly, I still had fun with this number, could it be guilty pleasure? I don’t think so. It was definitely the element of surprise and the whole loser/kitsch thing that made ​​me laugh. Not sure I would be so forgiving the next time I have a go at it… That said, you should try this Street Fighter, even just for your culture, to know where the title comes from and how many other fighting games have indirectly been inspired!

La version française de cet article est disponible sur www.retrogamer.ca



Après Saint Ouen, Brest, Bordeaux, Lille et Montreuil en 2013, l’Open Bidouille Camp plante sa tente à Bègles.
L’Open Bidouille Camp 33 est le rendez-vous annuel de la créativité technique, scientifique, du faire soi-même et de la création artistique participative en Aquitaine.
Pendant 3 jours, des bidouilleurs, des curieux, des inventeurs construisent un événement ludique, et proposent au public, sous forme d’ateliers bricolés et décalés, de découvrir en faisant.
L’édition 2013 à Bordeaux avait rassemblé plus de 3000 visiteurs autour de 26 ateliers sous la halle Darwin.
Pour la deuxième édition en Gironde, du 16 au 18 mai 2014, le Collectif Open Bidouille local se reforme et établit le camp de base de l’Open Bidouille à la Fabrique Pola, lieu dédié à la création contemporaine et à la production et à la diffusion artistique.

Musique sur Commodore64


Le Commodore64 est un ordinateur personnel qui a vu le jour en 1982. Equipé de 64 Ko de RAM, il est probablement l’ordinateur le plus vendu à ce jour avec, selon les estimations, entre 17 à 25 millions d’exemplaires!

Une de ses grandes qualités est sans conteste d’avoir un processeur sonore hors-pair: le SID! Cette puce est un véritable synthétiseur, offrant 3 voix et dépassant technologiquement tout ce qui se faisait à l’époque. Elle contribuera grandement au succès commercial du Commodore 64.


MyCommodore64 propose plusieurs ateliers pour vous faire (re)découvrir cet ordinateur au delà de la musique 8 bits et chiptunes: de la simple cartouche Fischer Price pour les plus petits jusqu’au séquencer professionnel de la célèbre marque Moog en passant par diverses interfaces comme des samplers, de la synthèse vocale, des boites à rythme… qu’elles soient d’époque ou de 2014!


Car c’est bien la particularité du Commodore64: la scène est toujours très active et des dizaines d’interfaces sortent encore chaque année! Il est donc normal que le Commodore64 soit encore présent dans de nombreux studios; c’est ce que vous démontrera MyCommodore64 tout au long de l’Open Bidouille Camp en faisant diverses démos très électroniques et 80s!


“Commodore! Computers for the masses, not the classes!”

Retrouvez-nous sur notre stand les 17 et 18 mai! 🙂

December 24, 2013 | In: Other by Stamba

Merry Christmas!


Download and throw this in your beloved Commodore 64 emulator !

Merry xmas from myc64.com team 🙂

Download : mycommodore64-xmas.prg

December 14, 2013 | In: Audio, Software, Video by Stamba

Xmas carols on your C64!

Hey John Henry! Crank up the volume!

Oh my little Jesus! What could be a better gift for your kid than an amazing compilation of Christmas Carols? Nothing! This pure sweetness came out from the sick holy brain of John Henry Software.


Chistmas Carols – John Henry Software

Sing Along With Your Favorite Christmas Carols

Here’s a great way for you end your family to have fun with your Commodore 64™ or Commodore 128™ this Christmas. Our exciting Christmas Carols disk features 18 of your favorite holiday songs, with professionally-arranged music and entertaining graphics. For sing along fun, the lyrics appear in easy-to-read verse on your TV or monitor. Play just your favorite song or set your computer to play them all.

• Angels We Have Heard on High
• Deck the Hall
• O Come All Ye Faithful
• Away in a Manger
• The First Noel
• God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen
• Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
• O Holy Night
• It Came Upon The Midnight Clear
• Jingle Bells
• O Little Town of Bethlehem
• We Three Kings of Orient Are
• Jolly Old St. Nicholas
• Joy to the World
• O Christmas Tree
• Silent Night
• What Child is This?
• Up on the Housetop

Yes, that’s quite a lot of delightful songs for your prude ears 🙂 I’m already hearing impatient kids screams to their parents asking for unpack and listen all of these on the Commodore 1702 screen and mono speaker 😉

So… here you go for an almost 45 minutes trip under acid or LSD!



With such an ad, be honest, I know you wouldn’t resist! $15,95 ?! INSTANT BUY!



Even the press was quite enthousiastic about it!

Midnite Software Gazette issue 22 – Jan-Feb 1985 (Ok guys, you were just a bit late)
Well… during holidays, please treat yourself (and your family) and have a listen to the whole stuff at least twice a day, and, I promise you. Santa will come this year and he won’t forget the Commodore SX64 in his bag.

Merry XMAS!


Bonus file: 

Download (.d64, 70Kb) : Christmas Carols – John Henry Software


Post Scriptum Post Mortem:


Unfortunately, John Henry Software seem to have passed away in June 1993. Yep, 20 years ago!

December 2, 2013 | In: Games by Stamba

Micro Hexagon – Super Hexagon C64 demake

Paul Koller and Mikkel Hastrup’s Micro Hexagon


A Commodore 64 demake of Terry Cavanagh’s Super Hexagon.

Original post by paulko64 :

Recorded from a CRT monitor connected to my C64.
Code: Paul Koller
Music: Mikkel Hastrup
This is an entry in the 2013 RGCD 16KB cartridge competition:
Follow me for more info on my C64 stuff:
Grab your copy here:

The music is just AWESOME!



