June 11, 2015 | In: Audio
Stamba’s live @ Stunfest 2015 !
Stamba - MyCommodore64 live act @ Stunfest 2015 by Stamba on Mixcloud [gallery...
June 11, 2015 | In: Audio
Stamba - MyCommodore64 live act @ Stunfest 2015 by Stamba on Mixcloud [gallery...
May 9, 2015 | In: Audio, Event
New opportunity to show off Commodore 64 to the public ! MyCommodore64 will be attending to this french event in Bordeaux. Nouvel événement aquitain dédié à la Pop Culture, le Bordeaux Geek Festival est une co-production entre l’association...
May 8, 2015 | In: Audio
Only 5 days left to back this awesome project launched by c64audio.com (thanks to Marcel Donné) ! Project Sidologie is built on an admiration of Jean-Michel Jarre, and an appreciation of the connection between him and C64 music (and...
September 29, 2014 | In: Audio
Commodore 64 on the beach! I've been interviewed by La Caz'Retro team for their summer Bonus Stage! Check that frenchie podcast! Pas de vacances pour La Caz’ Retro ! Alors sortez vos tongs et vos lecteurs mp3 car aujourd’hui c’est le Bonus...
February 4, 2014 | In: Audio, Event, Hardware, Software
L'OPEN BIDOUILLE CAMP 33 S'INSTALLE À LA FABRIQUE POLA EN 2014. Après Saint Ouen, Brest, Bordeaux, Lille et Montreuil en 2013, l'Open Bidouille Camp plante sa tente à Bègles. L'Open Bidouille Camp 33 est le rendez-vous annuel de la...