“FB-MIDI is a multi standard MIDI interface for the Commodore 64/128.
FB-MIDI adds MIDI IN, MIDI OUT and MIDI THRU/OUT ports to your Commodore 64/128.”
Back in 2007, I was looking for such a MIDI interface and Fotios (from Australia) was releasing this piece of gear!
It “emulates” these MIDI interfaces (you have to setup this by combining some dipswtiches) :
- Sequential Circuits
- Passport
- NameSoft
- Syntech
Unfortunately, Fotios has stopped the production a while ago! 🙁
I mostly use this interface with Midislave Manager V1.1 by Triad [1995].
It has some nice presets but you can edit the parameters… so… it’s up to you to make blasting sounds from the SID!
Here is a live act i’ve made in 2009 at the “VieuMikro” retro-compter convention Toulouse – FRANCE.
I used 2 Commodore 64 – one with Prophet 64 + FireStarter MIDI interface (for TB-303 emulation) and another one with FB-MIDI and MidiSlave (for bass/strings sounds).
MidiSlave 1.1 : Midislave Manager v1_1 (.d64 file)
Manual : FB-MIDI-Rev1A
1 Response to FB-MIDI A modern MIDI interface
January 21st, 2015 at 11:11 pm
hey Stampa,
can you tell me how many different sounds you can controll at the same time via different
midichannels with the moogsongproducer?