July 20, 2011 | In: Hardware by Stamba

Techni Musique Synthétiseur Vocal

Here is the Techni Musique Synthétiseur Vocal for Commodore 64. Built in 1984 by the french company Techni Musique based in Clermont-Ferrand. This unit has also been massively produced for the Amstrad 464/6128 and distributed in primary schools with the “Plan informatique pour tous”. Unfortunately the Commodore 64 hadn’t a big success in France so this Commodore 64 version seems to be quite rare! It plugs into the cartridge port of the Commodore 64/128 and features 2 audio outputs.

Here are the 3 files i’ve been able to backup from the floppy which came with the unit : RAR

It seems these files are only the demo disk but Yago from #c-64 on ircnet helped me to understand what the program do and what could be typed to input datas to the vocal synth.

It uses phonemes and I don’t have the phonemes list so it will be quite hard to find them out !
Have to check the list shown in the demo.. maybe it’s the phonemes list !

Here is what you have to do while running the demo to input your own datas :
[16:57] <yago> well, poke stores a value into memory, and sys and usr call machinelanguage programs
[16:59] <yago> after then program started, stop it, and try to enter e.g. line 24020 (without linenumber)
[16:59] <yago> then the cart should speak
[16:59] <yago> then fiddle with the parameters for poke2,X and a=usr(Y)
[17:03] <yago> then poke 2,65
[17:03] <yago> return
[17:03] <yago> then sys39000
[17:03] <yago> return
[17:03] <yago> then a=usr(50)+usr(0)+usr(0)
[17:03] <yago> RUN

And it works ! Thanks for this help

And finally…. here is a record of the demo !
Techni Musique Synthe Vocal Demo Commodore64-rec stamba by mycommodore64

Conclusion ? IT BLASTS ALMOST all other c64 vocal synths of this era.. Commodore Magic Voice is maybe the worst.. Currah Sound Speech is average.. but this Techni Musique one reach modern (2011! vocal synthesis) !

Q1 : HELP !! Do you have this unit ? Do you have the floppies ? The manual ? The box ! We need more informations about it ! .. Even the Amstrad 464/6128 version could be helpful !

5 Responses to Techni Musique Synthétiseur Vocal


club commodore 64 (mr michel lefland)

December 19th, 2011 at 11:38 pm


moi ça m’interesserais d’essayer cette cartouche sur emulateur winvice
v2.3 dite moi quoi svp le plus vite possible merci d’avance
mon email:




February 23rd, 2012 at 1:47 am




August 12th, 2012 at 10:58 pm



May 22nd, 2013 at 2:28 pm

you ave files download c64 tecni music in crt format with use for winvice help my please big thanks


club c64

February 20th, 2022 at 12:45 pm

you ave d64 download please thanks ?

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